1. Barrow, L. C., & Westley, B. Comparative effectiveness of radio and television.AV Communication Review, 1959,7, 14–23.
2. Berlyne, D. E.Conflict arousal and curiosity. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960.
3. Deutschmann, P., Barrow, L., & McMillan, A. The efficiency of different modes of communication.AV Communication Review, 1961,9, 263–270.
4. Hartman, F. R. Recognition learning under multiple channel presentation and testing conditions.AV Communication Review, 1961,9, 24–43. (a)
5. Hartman, F. R. Singleand multiple-channel communications: A review of research and a proposed model.AV Communication Review, 1961,9, 235–263. (b)