1. Allen, D. I. Some effects of advance organizers and level of questions on the learning and retention of written social studies material.Journal of Educational Psychology, 1970,61, 333–339.
2. Allen, W. H., Cooney, S. M., & Weintraub, R.Audio implementation of still and motion pictures. USOE Final Report, Project No. 5-0741. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Research Division, Department of Cinema, 1968.
3. Allen, W. H., Daehling, W. A., Russell, J. J. IV., & Nielsen, T. G.Effectiveness of different combinations of visual and verbal presentation modes in teaching different kinds of learning tasks. USOE Final Report, Project No. 6-1265. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Research Division, Department of Cinema, 1970.
4. Allen, W. H., Filep, R. F., & Cooney, S. M.Visual and audio presentation of machine-programmed instruction. USOE Final Report, Project No. 5-0724-2-12-1. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Research Division, Department of Cinema, 1967.
5. Allen, W. H., & Weintraub, R.The motion variables in film presentation. USOE Final Report, Project No. 5-1123. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Research Division, Department of Cinema, 1968.