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2. Kannengießer Th., Florian W., Böllinghaus Th., Herold H.: Analysis of welding reaction stresses and welding reaction moments in component tests — Stress characterisitics dependent on the intensity of restraint, Editors: Miannay D., Costa P., François D., Pineau A.: Advances in mechanical behaviour, plasticity and damage, Elsevier Science Ltd., Proceedings of EUROMAT 2000 (Tours, France), Vol. 1, pp. 145–150, ISBN 0-08-042815–0.
3. Boellinghaus Th., Kannengiesser Th.: Effect of filler material selection and shrinkage restraint on stress strain build up in component welds, Trends in Welding Research 2002, Georgia, USA, 6th International Conference, pp. 906-911, ISBN 0-87170-780–2.
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