1. Alexandrov B., Lippold J.: Methodology for in situ investigation of phase transformations in welded joints, IIW. Doc. IX-2114–04, 57th Annual Assembly of IIW, Osaka, Japan, July 2004.
2. Lippold J., Alexandrov B.: Phase transformations during welding and post weld heat treatment of supermartensitic stainless steel, 3rd Stainless Steel World America Conference, Houston, USA, October 2004, Proceedings, pp. 189–200, IIW Doc. II-1556–05.
3. Alexandrov B., Lippold J.: A new methodology for studying phase transformations in high strength steel weld metal, 7th International Trends in Welding Research Conference, ASM, May 16–20, 2005.
4. Alexandrov B., Lippold J.: Relationship between the solidification temperature range and weld solidification cracking susceptibility of stainless steels and Ni-base alloys, IIW Doc. IX-2163–05, 58th Annual Assembly of IIW, Prague, July 2005.
5. Alexandrov B., Lippold J.: In-Situ Weld Metal Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagrams, Doc. IIW-1744-06 (ex. Doc. IX-2162–05), 58th Annual Assembly of IIW, Prague, July 2005, Welding in the World, 2006, Vol. 50, n° 9/10, pp. 65–74.