1. W.F. Brown, Jr.; J.E. Srawley Plane Strain Crack Toughness Testing of High Strength Metallic Materials, Spec. Tech. Publ. No. 410, ASTM (1966).
2. J.E. Srawley; M.H. Jones; W.F. Brown, Jr. Mat. Res. & Standards, 7, 6, 262–266 (June 1967).
3. D.M. Fisher; R.T. Bubsey; J.E. Srawley ‘Design and Use of Displacement Gage for Crack Extension Measurements’, NASA TN D-3724 (1966).
4. B. Gross; J.E. Srawley; W.F. Brown, Jr. ‘Stress-Intensity Factors for a Single-Edge-Notch Tension Specimen By Boundary Collocation of a Stress Function’, NASA TN D-2395 (1964).
5. B. Gross; J.E. Srawley ‘Stress-Intensity Factors for Single-Edge-Notch Specimens in Bending or Combined Bending and Tension by Boundary Collocation of a Stress Function’, NASA TN D-2603 (1965).