1. H. Graf, W. K�ndig, P.F. Meier, and B.D. Patterson, to be published.
2. W.J. Kossler has observed the damping of the external field ?SR-signal in antiferromagnetic Cr. But precession in a unique local field was not observed, (private communication).
3. H. Graf, W. K�ndig, B.D. Patterson, W. Reichart, P. Roggwiller, M. Camani, F.N. Gygax, W. R�egg, A. Schenck, H. Schilling, and P.F. Meier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 1644 (1976).
4. H. Graf, W. Hofmann, W. K�ndig, P.F. Meier, B.D. Patterson, and W. Reichart, Solid State Commun. (in press).