1. M. Conte,Proc. 3rd LEAR Workshop, Tignes (Savoie) 1985, ed. U. Gastaldi, R. Klapisch, J.M. Richard and J. Tran Thanh Van (Editions Frontières, Gif sur Ivette, France, 1985) p. 711.
2. K.J. Kügler, K. Moritz, W. Paul and U. Trinks, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 228 (1985) 240.
3. M. Reiser, Particle Accelerators 4 (1973) 239.
4. J.D. Lawson,The Physics of Charged-Particle Beams (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1977) p. 67.
5. H.M. Brash, D.M. Campbell, P.S. Farago, A.G.A. Rae, H.Chr. Siegmann and J.S. Wykes, Proc. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Sect. A (1968) 158.