1. Bill Dunn, “Bill Dunn of Dow Jones: The Data Merchant,” Personal Computing, pp. 162–176, December 1984.
2. Mike Edelhart and Owen Davies, OMNI Online Database Dictionary, Collier MacMillan Publishers, 1983.
3. Hector Garcia-Molina, Rafael Alonso, Daniel Barbara, and Soraya Abad, “Data Caching in an Information Retrieval System,” Technical Report CS-TR-065-86, Department of Computer Science, Princeton University, 1986.
4. David K. Gifford, John M. Lucassen, and Stephen T. Berlin, “The Application of Digital Broadcast Communication to Large Scale Information Systems,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, May 1985.
5. Leonard Kleinrock, “Queueing Systems, Vol. 1: Theory,” Wiley-Interscience, 1975.