1. Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, “Structures familiales et coutumes d'héritage en France au XVIe siècle: Système de la coutume,”Annales, ESC 27 (1972): 825–58, and J. Yver,Essay de géographie coutumaire (Paris, 1966).
2. See particularly J. Goody, J. Thirsk and E. P. Thompson, eds.,Family and Inheritance: Rural Society in Western Europe, 1200–1800 (Cambridge, 1976); also Tamara Hareven, “Family History at the Crossroads,”Journal of Family History 12 (1987): ix-xxiii, and “The History of the Family and the Complexity of Social Change”,American Historical Review 96 (1991): 95–124.
3. Some exceptions are D. O. Hughes, “Domestic Ideals and Social Behavior: Evidence from Medieval Genoa,”The Family in History, ed. Ch. E. Rosenberg (Turin, 1979), 147–83; Giovanni Levi, “Un cavaliere, un oste e un mercante,”Centro e periferia di uno stato assoluto (Turin, 1985), 151–77, and G. Delille,Famiglia e proprietà nel Regno di Napoli (Turin, 1988).
4. See Jack Goody and S. J. Tambiah,Bridewealth and Dowry (Cambridge, Mass, 1973); M. Zimbalist Rosaldo and L. Lamphere, eds.,Woman, Culture and Society (Stanford, 1974); R. R. Reiter,Toward an Anthropology of Women (New York and London, 1975); Jack Goody,Produzione e riproduzione: Studio comparato della sfera domestica (Milan, 1976); R. Hirschon, ed.,Women and Property — Women as Property (London, 1984).
5. Vittorio Colorni,Legge ebraica e leggi locali (Milan, 1945), 202–21; also idem,Gli ebrei nel sistema del diritto comune fino alla prima emancipazione (Milan, 1956).