Definition of the problem
Obesity is a burgeoning challenge for healthcare systems worldwide. In times of demographic change, it also affects an increasing number of older persons, presenting substantial challenges to delivering health and nursing care in both acute and long-term care (LTC) settings. So far, a detailed analysis of the diverse group of 65+ in this field is missing, particularly in the area of LTC. The needs of neither care recipients, nor those of nurses and institutions are monitored, analyzed, or systematically evaluated. Moreover, ethical implications of professional care for older persons with obesity have not yet been discussed in research and policy.
We argue that a needs-based approach is appropriate to address these ethical complexities. We further argue that a comprehensive mapping of the ethical terrain is best from an interdisciplinary and mixed methods perspective. For this, we conduct a scoping review to synthesize the state-of-the-art in both the healthcare and LTC settings; and we focus on challenges reported in case studies from professional care settings in European and North American institutions.
Our findings point to a lack of research on ethical issues related to the LTC needs of older persons living with obesity and the challenges faced by their professional carers. From the limited number of (case) studies that can be found, however, a series of ethical concerns emerge that have direct import for access, utilization, and quality of care. Accordingly, a new research agenda is needed to inform an ethical approach for policy and practice. It must be rooted in a concern for both care recipients and caregivers in mixed methods studies. Future research should provide criteria for balancing needs, allocating resources and developing practical solutions for people who are confronted with multiple stigma.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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