1. The French Revolutionist. Jean Paul Marat, as a Physician and Physicist. J. A. Mullen, M.D.,Texas Medical Journal, May, 1897.
2. Reprint of Two Medical Tracts by Jean Paul Marat. Edited with Introduction by James Blake Bailey. Printed by percival & Co., London, 1891.
3. A New Estimate of Marat, by Benjamin Ide Hart, B.A., M.D.Medical Life, August, 1924.
4. Jean Paul Marat, M.D., Physician, Scientist, Revolutionist, by W. F. von Zelinski, M.D.Amer. Jour. of Clin. Med., January and February, 1922.
5. Marat’s Brother—Editorial Note.British Med. Jour., March 26, 1892.