1. Kusters, N. L.; Moore, W. J. M.: The current comparator and its application to the absolute calibration of current-transformers. AIEE Trans. Pt. 3 (Power Apparatus and Systems) 80 (1961) 94?104
2. Sutcliffe, J.: Meßbrücke und Kompensator nach dem Gelichstrom-Komparator-Prinzip. Messtech. 4 (1970) 79?83
3. Kusters, N. L.; Mac Martin, M. P.: A direct current comparator bridge for high resistance measurements. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., IM-22 (1973) 382?386
4. Miljanic, P. N.; Kusters, N. L.; Moore, W. J. M.: The development of the current comparator, a high-accuracy a-c ratio measuring device. AIEE Trans., Pt. 1 (Communications and Electronics), 81 (1962) 359?368
5. Kusters, N. L.; Moore, W. J. M.; Miljanic, P. N.: A current comparator for the precision measurement of d-c ratios. IEEE Trans. Commun. Electron. 83 (1964) 22?27