1. K. G. Wilson andJ. B. Kogut:Phys. Reports (to be published), that paper contains an extensive review of earlier works, ideas and techniques concerning critical phenomena. A review of latest works can be found inF. Jegerlehner andB. Schroer:XII Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik, Schladming, Feb. 1973 (to be published).
2. T. Tsuneto andE. Abrahams:Phys. Rev. Lett.,30, 217 (1971).
3. J. C. Houard andB. Jouvet:Nuovo Cimento,18, 466 (1960);M. T. Vaughh, R. Aaron andR. D. Amado:Phys. Rev.,124, 1258 (1961).
4. E. Brezin, J. C. Le Guillou andJ. Zinn-Justin:Phys. Rev. D,8, 437 (1973).
5. M. Gell-Mann andF. E. Low:Phys. Rev.,95, 1300 (1954).