1. I.D. Shah and P.L. Ruzzi, “Pentlandite: Preparation, Hydrogen Reduction in the Presence of Lime to Yield an Iron-Nickel Alloy,” Met. Trans. B, 9 (1978), pp. 247-253.
2. H. Y. Sohn, “Annual Review of Extractive and Process Metallurgy: Physical Chemistry,” J. Metals, 38(4) (1978), pp. 25-30.
3. B.S. Baimbetov, V.S. Spitchenko, and I.A. Onaev, “Kinetic Relationships in the Reduction of Lead and Iron Sulphides by Methane,” Soviet Non-Ferrous Metals Res., 5 (1977), pp. 16-18.
4. H. Abramowitz and Y.K. Rao, “Direct Reduction of Zinc Sulphide by Carbon and Lime,” Trans. Inst. Mining Met., 87 (1978), pp. C180-188.
5. A.K. Basu and F.R. Sale, “Reduction of ‘Blue’ Tungsten Oxide by Dry Hydrogen,” Trans. Inst. Mining Met., 86 (1977), pp. C134-139.