1. Avramov, L.: On the convergence radius of Poincaré series of local rings. Reports no 4 (1979). Dept. of Math. Univ. of Stokholm
2. Avramov, L.: Sur la croissance des nombres de Betti d'un anneau local. Notes aux C.R.A.S.289, 369?372 (1979)
3. Avramov, L.: Free Lie subalgebras of the cohomology of local rings Preprint Inst. Math. Academy of Science PO Box 373, 1090 Sofia. (To appear in Trans. of A.M.S.)
4. Babenko, I.K.: On analytic properties of the Poincaré series of loop spaces. Math. Zametki27, 751?765 (1980); English transl. in Math. notes Vol. 27 (1980)
5. Babenko, I.K.: On real homotopy properties of complete intersections. Math. U.S.S.R. Isvestijr, vol. 15, no2 (1980)