1. N. V. Angstvurm, Oxygen Therapy and Oxygen Deficiency, In Russian. Kiev, pp. 195–198 (1952).
2. E. M. Berkovich and L. G. Okhnianskaia, Occupational Disease Clinic, In Russian. Moscow, pp. 63–78 (1952).
3. O. N. Bulanova, Conference on The Problem of Compensatory Accommodations. Reports of Proceedings, In Russian. Moscow, pp. 12–13 (1958).
4. Kh. I. Vainshtein, Oxygen Therapy and Oxygen Deficiency, In Russian. Kiev, pp. 171–177 (1952).
5. M. S. Gaevskaia, Arkh. Pat. 8, 1–2, pp. 4–12 (1946).