1. Cfr.E. Kleinschmidt,Handbuch der Meteorologischen Instrumente. Berlin, 1935, p. 329;W. E. Knowles Middleton,Meteorological Instruments, Toronto, 1943, p. 52.
2. P. Courvoisier:Ueber Luftdruckvariographen und Luftdruckschwankungen, Archiv f. Meteorologie, Bd. I (A), 1948, Heft 1.
3. N. K. Johnson,Atmospheric Oscillations shown by the Microbarograph. Quart. Journal of the R. Meteorol. Society, London, Vol. LV, N. 229, 1929, p. 19.
4. S. Suzuki &H. Oomori:On the Atmospheric Waves. Gerlands Beiträge zur Geophysik, Bd. 49, 1937, p. 301.
5. D. F. Rex:Blocking Action in the Middle Troposphere ... II. The Climatology of Blocking Action, Tellus, Vol. 2, 1950, p. 275.