This study characterizes attitudes and decision-making around the desire for future children in young women newly diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and assesses how clinical factors and perceived risk may impact these attitudes.
This is a prospective study in women < 45 years with newly diagnosed stage 1–3 breast cancer. Patients completed a REDCap survey on fertility and family-building in the setting of hypothetical risk scenarios. Patient, tumor, and treatment characteristics were collected through surveys and medical record.
Of 140 study patients [median age = 41.4 (range 23–45)], 71 (50.7%) were interested in having children. Women interested in future childbearing were younger than those who were not interested (mean = 35.2 [SD = 5.2] vs 40.9 years [3.90], respectively, p < 0.001), and more likely to be childless (81% vs 31%, p < 0.001). 54 women (77.1% of patients interested in future children) underwent/planned to undergo oocyte/embryo cryopreservation before chemotherapy. Interest in future childbearing decreased with increasing hypothetical recurrence risk, however 17% of patients wanted to have children despite a 75–100% hypothetical recurrence risk. 24.3% of patients wanted to conceive < 2 years from diagnosis, and 35% of patients with hormone receptor positive tumors were not willing to complete 5 years of hormone therapy.
Many young women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer prioritize childbearing. Interest in having a biologic child was not associated with standard prognostic risk factors. Interest decreased with increasing hypothetical recurrence risk, though some patients remained committed to future childbearing despite near certain hypothetical risk. Individual risk assessment should be included in family-planning discussions throughout the continuum of care as it can influence decision-making.
UCSF Give Breast Cancer the Boot
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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