1. B. Magnus, M. Melus andG. Croeg,La Fonderie Belge 4 (1982) 1927.
2. A. A. Das, B. Zantout, M. M. Yakoub andA. J. Clegg, in ?International Symposium on Zinc-Aluminium (ZA) Casting Alloys?, edited by G. P. Lewis, R. J. Barnhurst and C. A. Loong, Series 25?5/1, No. 1 (Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Montréal, Québec, 1986) p. 213.
3. Series 25-5/1, No. 1;R. Guerriero,1986
4. Series 25-5/1, No. 1;P. N. Dent,1986
5. T. J. Risdon, R. J. Barnhurst andW. M. Mihaichuk, in ?Comparative Wear Rate Evaluation of Zinc-Aluminum (ZA) and Bronze Alloys through Block on Ring Testing and Field Applications?, SAE Paper No. 860064 (1986) p. 1.