1. Adams AN (1979) The effect of Gooseberry vein banding virus on the growth and yield of gooseberry and red currant. J Hortic Sci 54:23–25
2. Adams AN, Posnette AF (1987) Gooseberry vein banding. In: Converse RH (ed) Virus diseases of small fruits. United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook No. 631, Washington, DC, pp 129–130
3. Adams AN, Thresh JM (1987a) Reversion of black currant. In: Converse RH (ed) Virus diseases of small fruits. United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook No. 631, Washington, DC, pp 133–136
4. Adams AN, Thresh JM (1987b) Green mottle of black currant. In: Converse RH (ed) Virus diseases of small fruits. United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook No. 631, Washington, DC, pp 136–137
5. Adams AN, Thresh JM (1987c) Other Nepoviruses isolated from Black currant. In: Converse RH (ed) Virus diseases of small fruits. United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook No. 631, Washington, DC, p 140