1. ANIS. Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien
2. ĀPṬ Āpta-parīkṣā-ṭīkā. 1913. Vidyānandin: vidyānandasvāmi-viracitā ... āptaparīkṣā patraparīkṣā ca gajādharalālajainaśāstriṇā sampādite. (SJG 1). Kāśī.
3. Balcerowicz, P. 2001. Jaina epistemology in historical and comparative perspective. Critical edition and English translation of logical-epistemological treatises (ANIS 53.1–2). Stuttgart.
4. Balcerowicz, P. 2003. Is “Inexplicability Otherwise” (anyathānupapatti) Otherwise Inexplicable? Journal of Indian Philosophy 31 (1–3): 343–380.
5. Balcerowicz, P. 2013. Summary of prabhācandra’s prameyakamalamārtaṇḍa. In: Potter/Balcerowicz 2013: 85–211. [The references above refer to the page numbers of the philologically more exact version of Balcerowicz’ article, which is available at the author’s website, www.orient.uw.edu.pl / balcerowicz, last accessed January 24, 2016.]