1. Abhinavabhāratī. Abhinavagupta. See Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharata Muni.
2. Chakrabarti, Arindam. 2006. From Vimarsha to Vishrama: You, I, and the tranquil taste of freedom. In Abhinavagupta: Reconsiderations, ed. Makarand Paranjape and Sunthar Vishuvalingam. New Delhi: Samvad India Foundation.
3. Gerow, Edwin. 1994. Abhinavagupta’s aesthetics as a speculative paradigm. Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (2): 186–208.
4. Kriegel, U. 2002. Phenomenal content. Erkenntnis 57 (2): 175–198.
5. Locana. The commentary of Abhinavagupta upon Dhvanyāloka. See Dhvanyāloka.