1. V. T. Grinchenko, A. F. Ulitko, and N. A. Shul’ga, Electroelasticity, Vol. 5 of the five-volume series Mechanics of Coupled Fields in Structural Members [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kyiv (1989).
2. W. P. Mason, Piezoelectric Crystals and Their Application to Ultrasonics, Van Nostrand, New York (1950).
3. W. Nowacki, Theory of Elasticity [in Polish], PWN, Warsaw (1970).
4. W. K. H. Panofsky, and M. Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism, Addison-Wesley, Reading MA (1962).
5. I. E. Tamm, Fundamentals of the Theory of Electricity, Mir, Moscow (1979).