1. F.H. Ellinger, “Crystal Structure of 6’ Plutonium and the Thermal Expansion Characteristics of δ,δ and ε Plutonium,”J. Met., 8,1256–1259 (1956). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
2. A.A. Bochvar, S.T. Konobeevsky, V.I. Kutaitsev, T.S. Menshikova, and N.T. Chebotarev, “Interaction between Plutonium and Other Metals in Connection with Their Arrangement in Mendeleev’s Periodic Table,”Proc. 2nd U.N. Int. Conf. on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Vol 6, United Nations, Geneva, 191 (1958). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)
3. EW. Schonfeld, E.M. Cramer, W.N. Miner, F.H. Ellinger, and A.S. Coffinberry, “Plutonium Constitutional Diagrams,”Progress in Nuclear Energy, V, Vol 2, Pergamon Press, New York, 579–599 (1959). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
4. F.W. Schonfeld,The Metal Plutonium, A.S. Coffinberry and W.N. Miner, Ed., University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 240–254 (1961). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
5. V.W. Storhok, A.A. Bauer, and R.F. Dickerson, U.S. At. Energy Comm. BMI-1532,p5(1961). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)