1. Y. Yeh, H.Z. Cummins: Appl. Phys. Lett.4, 176 (1964)
2. L. Danielsson, E.R. Pike: J. Phys. E16, 107 (1983), and references therein
3. 2nd Topical Meeting on Coherent Laser Radar: Technology and Applications, Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 1983). The meeting was held in Aspen, Colorado, August 1?4, 1983; the concept of WINDSAT and its hardware developments were discussed extensively
4. M.J. Post, F.F. Hall, R.A. Richter, T.R. Lawrence: Appl. Opt.21, 2442 (1982)
5. Springer Ser. Opt. Sci.,1983