1. K. Apt and E. Olderog. ‘Proof rules and transformations dealing with fairness'. Theoretical Computer Science pp.65–100 (1983).
2. G. Costa and C. Stirling. ‘A fair calculus of communicating systems'. LNCS Vol.158 pp.94–105 (and extended version, Technical Report CSR-137-83, Dept. of Computer Science, Edinburgh). (1983)
3. G. Costa and C. Stirling. ‘Weak and strong fairness in CCS', to appear as a technical report.
4. Ph. Darondeau and L. Kott. ‘On the observational semantics of fair parallelism’ LNCS Vol.154 pp.147–159 (1983).
5. D. Gabbay, A. Pnueli, S. Shelah and J. Stavi. ‘On the temporal analysis of fairness'. Proc. 7th ACM POPL, Las Vegas (1980).