1. ĀMī = Samantabhadra: Āpta-mīmāṁsā. (1) Saratchandra Ghoshal: Āptamīmāṁsā of ācārya Samantabhadra. Bharatiya Jnanpith, New Delhi 2002. (2) Nagin J. Shah: Samantabhadra’s Āptamīmāṁsā. Critique of an authority. Along with English translation, introduction, notes and Akalaṅka’s Sanskrit commentary Aṣṭaśatī. Sanskrit-Sanskriti Granthamālā 7, Jagruti Dilip Sheth, Ahmedabad 1999. (3) Āryakā Jñānamati (ed.): Śrimadbhagavadvidyānadācārya viracita aṣṭasahasrī syādvāda-cintāmaṇi bhāṣā ṭika sahita. Vīra jñānodaya granthamālā kā puṣpa 1, Hastinapur 1988.
2. AŚ = Akalaṅka Bhaṭṭa: Aṣṭa-śatī. See ĀMī (2).
3. AS = Vidyānandin: Aṣṭa-sahasrī. See ĀMī (3).
4. BALBIR. (1987). = Balbir, Nalini: “The perfect sūtra as defined by the Jains.” Berliner Indologische Studien, 3(1987), 3–21.
5. BALCEROWICZ. (2005). = Balcerowicz, Piotr: “Akalaṅka und die buddhistische Tradition: Von der Nichtwahrnehmung von Unsichtbaren (adṛśyānupalabdhi) zur Allwissenheit”. Wiener Zeitschrift Für Die Kunde Südasiens, 49(2005), 151–226.