1. Āgama-śāstra of Gauḍapāda. The Āgamaśāstra of Gauḍapāda. Edited, translated and annotated by Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. 1943. Reprinted: 1989.
2. Brahma-sūtra-bhāṣya of Śaṅkara. Edited, with the commentaries Bhāṣyaratnaprabhā of Govindānanda, Bhāmatī of Vācaspatimiśra, Nyāyanirṇaya of Ānandagiri, by J. L. Shastri. Delhi etc.: Motilal Banarsidass. 1980.
3. Mūla-madhyamaka-kārikā of Nāgārjuna. Ed. J. W. de Jong. Adyar, Madras: The Adyar Library and Research Centre. 1977.
4. Sāṃkhya-kārikā. The edition used is Appendix II to the edition of the Yukti-dīpikā by Albrecht Wezler & Shujun Motegi. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner. 1998. Pp. 278–285.
5. Viśeṣâvaśyaka-bhāṣya of Jinabhadra. Ed. Dalsukh Malvania (& Bechardas J. Doshi, for volume 3). 3 vols. Ahmedabad: Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Bharatiya Sanskriti Vidyamandira. 1966-68. (Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Series, 10, 14 & 21.)