Efficient computation of the Euler–Kronecker constants of prime cyclotomic fields


Languasco AlessandroORCID


AbstractWe introduce a new algorithm, which is faster and requires less computing resources than the ones previously known, to compute the Euler–Kronecker constants $${\mathfrak {G}}_q$$ G q for the prime cyclotomic fields $$ {\mathbb {Q}}(\zeta _q)$$ Q ( ζ q ) , where q is an odd prime and $$\zeta _q$$ ζ q is a primitive q-root of unity. With such a new algorithm we evaluated $${\mathfrak {G}}_q$$ G q and $${\mathfrak {G}}_q^+$$ G q + , where $${\mathfrak {G}}_q^+$$ G q + is the Euler–Kronecker constant of the maximal real subfield of $${\mathbb {Q}}(\zeta _q)$$ Q ( ζ q ) , for some very large primes q thus obtaining two new negative values of $${\mathfrak {G}}_q$$ G q : $${\mathfrak {G}}_{9109334831}= -0.248739\dotsc $$ G 9109334831 = - 0.248739 and $${\mathfrak {G}}_{9854964401}= -0.096465\dotsc $$ G 9854964401 = - 0.096465 We also evaluated $${\mathfrak {G}}_q$$ G q and $${\mathfrak {G}}^+_q$$ G q + for every odd prime $$q\le 10^6$$ q 10 6 , thus enlarging the size of the previously known range for $${\mathfrak {G}}_q$$ G q and $${\mathfrak {G}}^+_q$$ G q + . Our method also reveals that the difference $${\mathfrak {G}}_q - {\mathfrak {G}}^+_q$$ G q - G q + can be computed in a much simpler way than both its summands, see Sect. 3.4. Moreover, as a by-product, we also computed $$M_q=\max _{\chi \ne \chi _0} \vert L^\prime /L(1,\chi ) \vert $$ M q = max χ χ 0 | L / L ( 1 , χ ) | for every odd prime $$q\le 10^6$$ q 10 6 , where $$L(s,\chi )$$ L ( s , χ ) are the Dirichlet L-functions, $$\chi $$ χ run over the non trivial Dirichlet characters mod q and $$\chi _0$$ χ 0 is the trivial Dirichlet character mod q. As another by-product of our computations, we will provide more data on the generalised Euler constants in arithmetic progressions.


Università degli Studi di Padova


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Algebra and Number Theory

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