1. Arthur Young and Co,The Arthur Young Audit Computer, Arthur Young and Co, New York, 1981.
2. A. D. Bailey, Jr., J. Gerlach, R. P. McAfee, and A. B. Whinston, ?TICOM II?The Internal Control Language.? Paper presented at the Florida Symposium on Internal Controls, University of Florida, March 1981a.
3. A. D. Bailey, Jr., J. Gerlach, R. P. McAfee, and A. B. Whinston, ?The Theoretic and Analytic Capabilities of TICOM II? working paper, July, 1981b.
4. A. D. Bailey, Jr., R. P. McAfee, and A. B. Whinston, ?An Application of Complexity Theory to the Analysis of Internal Control Systems?Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 1 (1): 38?52 (1981).
5. J. I. Cash, Jr., A. D. Bailey, Jr., and A. B. Whinston, ?A Survey of Techniques for Auditing EDP-Based Accounting Information Systems,?The Accounting Review 52 (4):813?832 (1977).