1. N. A. Kostenko, ?Law describing the reliability of the housing of an automatic freight car coupler,? Vestnik VNIIZhT, No. 4 (1973).
2. V. Veis and S. Yukava, in: Problems in the Application of the Rupture Viscosity [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow (1968).
3. A. R. Rzhanitsyn, Calculations of Constructions in which Allowance is Made for the Plastic Properties of the Material [in Russian], Gosstroiizdat, Moscow (1964).
4. S. V. Serensen and E. G. Buglov, VM, No. 11 (1960).
5. N. A. Kostenko and L. N. Nikol'skii, ?Calculation of the strength reliability of automatic couplers,? Mashinovedenie, No. 3 (1968).