1. J. K. Bannon andL. P. Steele,Average water vapour content of air, Met. Office, Geophysical Memoir No. 102 (1960), 38.
2. G. S. Benton andM. A. Estoque,Water vapor transfer over the North American Continent, J. Meteor. 11 (1954) 462.
3. M. I. Budyko,Atlas teplovogo balansa Zemnogo Shara, U.S.S.R. Glavnaia geofizicheskaia observatoriia (1963), 69. (Text translated by Irene A. Donchoo as Guide to the Atlas of the heat balance of the earth; distributed by U.S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D.C.)
4. A. S. Grigor'eva,The transport of water vapour over the European territory of the U.S.S.R. in different months (in Russian), Glav. geofys. Obs., Leningrad, Trudy, Vyp.89 (1959), 3.
5. A. S. Grigor'eva,The transport of water vapour over the middle latitudes of Eurasia (in Russian), Ibid.111 (1961), 24.