1. Lee, J A A Synopsis of Anaesthesia; John Wright & Sons, Ltd, 1950, pp 307
2. Davis, R.M. Some Factors Affecting the Incidence of Post-Anaesthetic Vomiting, Brit. Med Journal2. 578, (Oct. 23) 1941.
3. Smith, J.M. Post-Operative Vomiting in Relation to Anaesthetic Tune, Bn. Med. Jour.2. 2174, (Aug. 18) 1945.
4. Best, C. E. and Taylor, N B. The Physiological Basis of Medical Practice, The Williams & Wilkins Co, 1950, pp. 574
5. Barclay, A E The Digestive Tract, Cambridge University Press, 1933 (Quoted by Best & Taylor).