1. A. H. Sully: The Sigma Phase in Binary Alloys of the Transition Elements. Journal Inst. Metals (1951) 80, Part 4, p. 173.
2. S. Rideout, W. D. Manly, E. L. Kamen, B. S. Lement, and P. A. Beck: Intermediate Phases in Ternary Alloy Systems of Transition Elements. Trans. AIME (1951) 191, p. 872; Journal of Metals (October 1951).
3. W. Hume-Rothery, H. M. Irving, and R. J. P. Williams: The Valencies of the Transition Elements in the Metallic State. Proc. Royal Soc. (September 1951) 208A, p. 431.