1. V. E. Zuev, Transparency of Atmosphere for Visible and Infrared Rays [in Russian], Sovet-Skoe Radio, Moscow (1966).
2. B. E. Zuev, Propagation of Visible and Infrared Waves in the Atmosphere [in Russian], Sovet-Skoe Radio, Moscow (1970).
3. V. E. Zuev and M. V. Kabanov, Transport of Optical Signals in the Earth's Atmosphere [in Russian], Sovet-Skoe Radio, Moscow (1977).
4. V. E. Zuev, Propagation of Laser Radiation in the Atmosphere [in Russian], Radio i Svyaz', Moscow (1981).
5. V. N. Tataarskii, Wave Propagation in the Turbulent Atmosphere [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1967).