1. J. W. Juppenlatz andS. W. Gearhart,Steel Foundry Facts No. 331, (March 1979).
2. M. Atkinson,J. Iron Steel Inst. 165 (1960) 64.
3. H. N. Cumming, F. B. Stulen andW. C. Schulte,Proc. ASTM 58 (1958) 505.
4. J. L. Mihelich, J. R. Bell andM. J. Karchynsky,J. Iron Steel Inst. 209 (1971) 469.
5. Scaninject I, Proceedings of International Conference on Ladle Refining and Injection Metallurgy, Lulea, Sweden, June 1977 (Jernkontoret, Sweden).