1. P. D. Frost, W. M. Parris, L. L. Hirsch, J. R. Doig, and C. M. Schwartz, Trans. Amer. Soc. Metals 46 (1954) 231.
2. M. K. Mcquillan, Met. Rev. 8 (1963) 41.
3. Yu. A. Bagaryatskiy, G. I. Nosova, and T. V. Tagunova, Soviet Phys. Dokl. 3 (1959) 1014.
4. Metalloved. i. Term. Obrabotka. Metal. 8 (1965) 57 (Translated in Metal Science and Heat Treatment 8 (1965) 57).
5. G. L. Miller, ?Zirconium? (Butterworths Scientific Publications, London, 1957).