Эколого-биологическая оценка вьющихся кустарников для вертикального озеленения территорий
Khuzhakhmetova A.Sh.ORCID, Lazarev S.E.ORCID, Semenyutina V.A.ORCID
Promising types of climbing shrubs have important aesthetic and sanitary-hygienic importance as types of multi-purpose use in the development of urban and agroecosystems in arid regions (Volgograd region).
The purpose of the research is to determine the prospects for the use of climbing shrubs in the vertical gardening of residential areas on chestnut soils based on the study of their biological potential.
The object of research was climbing shrubs growing in the collections of the Federal Research Center for Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in the landscaping of Volgograd and Kamyshin.
In collection plantings, 5 species of different geographical origin grow: Campsis radicans; Vitis amurensis; Parthenocissus quinguefolia; Celastrus orbiculata; Lonicera caprifolium.
Under the conditions of introduction, all types of climbing shrubs bloom and bear fruit. The ability of climbing shrubs to self-reproduce indicates the degree of their adaptation to new environmental conditions. Plants of all studied species reached the generative phase of development.
Studies on the negative effects of low temperatures on plants in the winter showed that they are mostly frost and winter hardy and suitable for vertical gardening of residential areas of Volgograd and Kamyshin.
It was revealed that climbing shrubs are quite resistant to the transfer of a complex of winter factors. North American, European and Far Eastern (Vitis amurensis, Parthenocissus quinguefolia, Celastrus orbiculata) winter the best in the collections.
They have a high winter hardiness score. The area of their natural distribution is located at the same geographical latitudes as the Lower Volga. Campsis radicans freezes when lowering winter temperatures to -37°C.
It has been established that the climate of the region of their natural distribution is largely similar to the area of introduction, therefore, they turned out to be quite adapted to the new growing conditions.
The distribution range of the Caucasian-Mediterranean and East Asian species is much to the south. Campsis radicans and Lonicera caprifolium tolerate lower freezing temperatures worse. These species should be introduced into the southern regions of the Volgograd region.
In plants at a young age and with increasing temperature and falling humidity of air and soil by the end of the growing season, the water deficit increases.
The greatest water deficit during drought (July, August) as a percentage is observed in Vitis amurensis at about 22%. Celastrus orbiculata rotundifolia has a water deficit of about 18%, then Campsis radicanswithin 14%, Parthenocissus quinguefolia - 12%. The lowest water deficit is observed in Lonicera caprifolium (about 10%).
Studies have shown that vertical landscaping involving climbing shrubs improves the microclimate. Wall plantings of maiden grapes in the hot summer months (July, August) reduce the air temperature by an average of 3 - 4 ° C, increase air humidity to 55 - 60% and bring microclimate parameters closer to the zone of hygienic comfort. A high yield of planting material can be achieved due to the optimal harvesting time of cuttings. The economic efficiency of production, expressed as a percentage, was 186 for Campsis radicans and 212% for Lonicera caprifolium.
Вьющиеся кустарники имеют важное эстетическое и санитарно-гигиеническое значение как виды многоцелевого использования при развитии городских и агроэкосистем в засушливых районах (Волгоградская область). Объекты исследования – 5 видов вьющихся кустарников(Campsis radicans; Vitis amurensis; Parthenocissus quinguefolia; Celastrus orbiculata; Lonicera Caprifolium) в коллекциях Федерального научного центра агроэкологии Российской академии наук.
Выявлено, что устойчивы к переносу комплекса зимних факторов североамериканские, европейские и дальневосточные виды (Vitis amurensis, Parthenocissus quinguefolia, Celastrus orbiculata), естественный ареал которых расположен в тех же географических широтах, что и Нижнее Поволжье. Ареал кавказско-средиземноморских и восточноазиатских видов значительно южнее. Campsis radicans и Lonicera caprifoliumрекомендуются для южных районов Волгоградской области.
Установлено, что с повышением температуры и падением влажности воздуха и почвы к концу вегетации наибольший дефицит наблюдается у Vitis amurensis - 22%. Celastrus orbiculata rotundifolia–18%, Campsis radicans– 14%, Parthenocissus quinguefolia - 12%. Низкий дефицит воды у Lonicera Caprifolium (около 10%). Исследования показали, что вертикальное озеленение с использованием вьющихся кустарников улучшает микроклимат в жаркие летние месяцы.
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