Научное обоснование создания селекционно-семеноводческого центра древесных и сельскохозяйственных растений


Belyaev A.I.ORCID,Repnikov B.V.ORCID,Semenyutina A.V.ORCID,Solonkin A.V.ORCID,Khuzhakhmetova A.Sh.ORCID


The Federal Scientific Center for Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (formerly the all-Russian research Institute of agroforestry) is one of the only scientific institutions in Russia that solves the problems of protecting soils from degradation and desertification and increasing their fertility by using the protective properties of adapted wood, shrub and herbaceous vegetation. Continuous use in research and obtaining ecological, economic and social benefits from the bioresources of economically valuable trees and shrubs of their own selection are key elements for developing a methodology for the innovative development of modern green technologies, including nursery production in the arid region of Russia. The Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences has considerable experience in creating and implementing the results of scientific work aimed at achieving high and sustainable indicators in the forest and agro-industrial complex. It is shown that the creation of selection and seed centre has sufficient space dendrological collections, mother cells, of commercially valuable ornamental plantations, agroforestry, fruit, pasture trees, shrubs (Samara, Volgograd, Oryol, Astrakhan regions, Altai, Stavropol Krai), nursery and greenhouse complex (Nizhnevolzhsky station on selection of tree species), and land – more than 60 thousand hectares of land. Over the years, many years of ecological and experimental monitoring have been conducted on the introduction, selection, protection of plants from pests and diseases, varietal, seed and nursery production of economically important tree species in arid conditions. It is established that the unique capabilities of adaptive selection of a range of commercially valuable trees and shrubs (660 species, forms, hybrids and varieties) to meet changing conditions and requirements provide a collection funds of woody plants FSC of Agroecology Russian Academy of Sciences and its branches (West-Siberian agroforestry station, Povolzhsky agroforestry station, Nizhnevolzhsky station on selection of tree species, etc.). The region has established introduction resources, seed plantations of tree and shrub biodiversity (340 ha of forest-seed plantations, more than 150 ha of forest plantations). Complex resistant varieties were obtained, a valuable breeding gene pool was identified, and production nurseries were organized in the experimental network of the Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Nizhnevolzhskaya station for selection of tree species) for rationalization of nature management, fight against drought and desertification in low-forest areas. A strategy for breeding stone crops has been developed to accelerate the creation of a new source material and varieties for cultivation using modern intensive technologies that ensure stable productivity with high fruit quality in the Lower Volga region. An extensive collection of field crops, theoretical base and practical developments has been accumulated. Including annually replenished collections of more than 2500 hybrids and varietals of winter and spring wheat, spring barley, seed millet, sorghum crops, trees, shrubs, perennial fruit crops, as well as a database of traits for more than 5000 samples of complex resistant to stress factors. The mission of the breeding and seed center is to accelerate the creation and introduction into mass production of adapted innovative varieties and hybrids of agricultural and forest crops that meet the most modern requirements of agroecological regulations for the production and processing of agricultural products. This will ensure the development of both the internal food security of the region and the Russian Federation as a whole, and increase the export potential. The key regions of the Russian Federation for the development of the Program are the following: Volgograd, Saratov, Orenburg, Samara, Oryol, Kursk, Astrakhan regions, Altai, Stavropol territory, Republic Kalmykia. Федеральный научный центр агроэкологии Российской академии наук имеет значительный опыт создания и внедрения результатов научной работы, направленной на достижение высоких и устойчивых показателей в лесном и агропромышленном комплексе. Для создания селекционно-семеноводческого центра имеются обширные дендрологические коллекции, маточники, ценные декоративные плантации деревьев и кустарников (Самарская, Волгоградская, Орловская, Астраханская области, Алтайский и Ставропольский край), питомники и тепличные комплексы (Нижневолжская станция по селекции древесных пород). В регионе созданы интродукционные ресурсы, семенные плантации, производственные питомники биоразнообразия деревьев и кустарников (340 га лесных посевных плантаций, архивы клонов, более 150 га лесных плантаций). Создана обширная коллекция полевых культур (2500 гибридов и сортов озимой и яровой пшеницы, ярового ячменя, семян проса, сорго, технических культур, деревьев, кустарников, многолетних плодовых культур), теоретическая база и практические разработки. Миссия селекционно-семенного центра - ускорить создание и внедрение в серийное производство адаптированных инновационных сортов и гибридов сельскохозяйственных и лесных культур, отвечающих самым современным требованиям агроэкологических нормативов для производства и переработки сельскохозяйственной продукции.


Cifra Ltd - Russian Agency for Digital Standardization (RADS)

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