The functio-spatial structure of airport surroundings: the case of Kraków Airport


Bajwoluk TomaszORCID


The area around Krakow airport is an attractive developmental urban area. The concentration of passenger traffic and the flow of goods is conducive to new development projects. These projects are associated with the operation of airports, as well as new uses which see the proximity of an airport as an additional asset in operating a business based on access to a form of high-speed transport. This paper presents the findings of research concerning the existing spatial structure, transport accessibility and compositional determinants within an area around Krakow Airport, which can be used to assess the phenomena present and formulate principles and trajectories of shaping them in the future. The study was based on an analysis of selected elements of the existing functio-spatial structure, as well as available materials and subject-specific planning documents. Due to the specificity of areas around airports, which undergo dynamic change, it appears key to determine the individual form of development and land cover, that skilfully combines modernity and comfort of use with meshing with the local landscape, featuring a network of linkages and the character of suburban space. The issues present in this area are distinctive of many cities and require coherent land development proposals.


Politechnika Lubelska


Earth-Surface Processes

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