Natural vibrations of a beam on stochastic two-layered subsoil with significantly different thickness


Kaleta Barbara,Różycki Bartosz


In this paper the influence of variability of Young modulus of the subsoil layers on the natural frequency of the beam-two-layered subsoil system was analyzed. Assuming the first layer was thinner and more rigid then the second one (10 and 20 times). The calculations were made by using deterministic and stochastic approach. In the stochastic approach, the spatial correlation of Young modulus of the subsoil along the length of both layers was taken into account. Two cases of the correlation were considered, i.e. without and with full correlation. Regarding the results of the authors’ research which were published in the previous article, in the calculations the full stochastic correlation of Young modulus of subsoil between both layers was taken into account. In order to solve the stochastic eigenvalue problem, Monte Carlo simulation techniques with Finite Element Method (FEM) were used. The present analysis is a continuation research demonstrated in the authors’ previous papers.  


Politechnika Lubelska


Earth-Surface Processes

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