1. M. Napoli, Beginning Flutter: A Hands On Guide to App Development, John Wiley & Sons, 2019
2. Mobile & Tablet Operating System Market Share Worldwide https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile-tablet/worldwide/#daily-20220107-20220107-bar [08.01.2022]
3. Cross-platform mobile frameworks used by software developers worldwide from 2019 to 2021 "https://www.statista.com/statistics/869224/worldwide-software-developer-working-hours/" [dostęp: 10.01.2022]
4. Fuchsia OS Official Site https://fuchsia.dev/ [08.01.2022]
5. M. Olsson, A Comparison of Performance and Looks Between Flutter and Native Applications: When to prefer Flutter over native in mobile application development, Blekinge Institute of Technology, 2020.