Freehand drawing as a basic means of artistic expression in the process of educating future architects versus modern computer technology


Chęć-Małyszek AgnieszkaORCID


Freehand drawing is one of the earliest and most important human skills. It is one of the simplest forms of recording thoughts and information from an early childhood, which allows to communicate without using words. It is the first verbal form of contact with the outside world by means of which feelings, emotions and desires are illustrated. It is something that allows one to see the surrounding beauty, see the details, learn about the structure and structure of matter and keep the image in memory for a long time. The article discusses issues related to the process of education in freehand drawing at the Faculty of , Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Lublin University of Technology. In this paper, the drawing is presented as a basic tool for presenting one's own design concept to future investors, which teaches perception, analysis, as well as develops creative and spatial imagination. Assuming that learning freehand drawing is the basis of all artistic activities, the article attempts to examine the essence of freehand drawing in the process of educating future architects at the Lublin University of Technology. The literature on the subject raises the issue of values conveyed through freehand drawing and compares it with contemporary, advanced computer programs.


Politechnika Lubelska

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