In recent decades, the concept of sustainable development has become increasingly widespread since the United Nations Convention on Climate Change was adopted. However, it is also being overused, imitated, politicized, or even ignored.
This study analyzes the current conditions and long-term consequences of the European energy transition and discusses the limitations and true economic and environmental implications of implementing energy sustainability. The paper is aimed at forming an understanding of the current environmental conditions and challenges associated with the economic, financial, and environmental consequences of introducing renewables in Europe.
Research has revealed that renewables, while cleaner energy sources are not necessarily sustainable as initially suspected. There are various implications and limitations, that is: an initial carbon footprint, land footprint, recycling issues, harmful impacts on wildlife and humans, moreover the efficiency and economic implications when transitioning to a net zero. As a result, it is concluded that the basic principles of the energy transition are to be introduced and considered for it to become indeed sustainable. It is also concluded that when introducing or improving an energy model, it is crucial to consider the country's initial energy and resource base. Nuclear energy should not be disregarded and should considered to be a clean energy source, as well as a safe one, particularly in the context of national security, which is heavily dependent on energy transition.
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