1. Allan Trevor, Constitutional Justice: A Liberal Theory of The Rule of Law, Oxford Scholarship Online, 2010 (quoted: Allan).
2. Becker Johannes / Englisch Joachim, Taxing Where Value is Created: What’s User Involvement’ got to Do with It?, 47 Intertax, 2019 (quoted: Becker & Englisch).
3. Bruins / Einaudi / Seligman / Stamp, Report on Double Taxation Submitted to the Financial Committee: Document E.F.S.73. F.19, League of Nations, 1923 (quoted: Bruins et al.).
4. Bundgaard Jakob / Kjærsgaard Louise Fjord, Taxable Presence and Highly Digitalized Business Models, Tax Notes International, P. 977, March 2020 (quoted: Bundgaard & Kjærsgaard).
5. Buriak Svitlana, A New Taxing Right for the Market Jurisdiction: Where Are the Limits?, 48 Intertax, 2020 (quoted: Buriak).