The pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) had a significant impact on the social life of medical students, which contributed to the active use of distance learning technologies. Distance learning – “a synthetic, integrated humanistic form of learning based on the use of a wide range of traditional and new information technologies and their technical means, which are used to present educational material, its independent study, dialogue between a lecturer and a student, and the learning process, in the general case, is uncritical to their location in space and time, as well as to a specific educational institution. Existing technologies of distance learning through the use of modern digital platforms, high-quality content of educational web resources, the introduction of an effective knowledge quality control system give us the opportunity to adapt to new realities of the educational process and ensure consistently high quality of postgraduate medical education.
This article presents a system of scientific ideas, mechanisms, advantages and disadvantages of distance (remote) learning in medical institution.
Ternopil State Medical University
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