Babinets L. S.,Botsyuk N. Ye.,Halabitska I. M.
SUMMARY. In today's difficult time for our people, when thousands of Ukrainian children are experiencing the horrors of war, it is the duty of society to protect not only the physical but also the mental health of our children and teenagers. Adolescents need special attention, which differs from attention to smaller children and adults because they are going through a critical transitional period of life, which is accompanied by a rapid growth rate, physical and psychological changes.
The aim – to analyze the problems of preventive work among adolescents, the possibilities of its solution, and the effectiveness of implementing the method of projects through medical and social activities among adolescents into the educational process at the Department of Therapy and Family Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine.
Material and Methods. The target group of children aged 10 to 18 was determined to work on the project "Medical and preventive work among teenagers". All students in the group were divided into small groups of three students each.
Results. During the implementation of the project, the students conducted educational activities aimed at popularizing medical and social knowledge in the field of adolescent health care among students of senior classes of secondary schools and colleges. These were reports and discussions for teenagers about sexual health and venereal diseases, sexually transmitted infections and HIV infection, insults and violence in the educational environment, social networks and virtual communication, loneliness, and domestic violence, the harm of smoking, alcohol, drug use and factors affecting this condition; development of proposals, recommendations for overcoming the problem.
Conclusion. 1. A comprehensive approach to preventive measures among adolescents is an important component of maintaining the health of adolescents.
Problems of medical and social factors affecting the health of a teenager include not only the work of a family doctor or state regulation, but also interaction with the non-governmental sector and the development of youth volunteerism.
Participating in preventive measures among teenagers of sixth-year students through the implementation of the project method helps them master basic knowledge, and ensures the formation of professional competencies, communicative and social skills, abilities, and creative abilities.
Ternopil State Medical University
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