Anthropogenic and Natural Changes of Hydrological Restrictions for Nature Use in the Russian Arctic Region River Deltas



Hydrological restrictions for nature management in large deltas of the Russian Arctic are directly related to the value, annual regime, long-term fl uctuations and transformation within deltas of components of river runoff, and ice regime, and marine and other factors. A extensive base of hydrological data, the results of long years research, attracted materials allow you to establish the characteristics and causes of modern intraannual and long-term variability of water fl ow, sediment runoff and heat runoff of the large Arctic rivers, substantiate tendencies of their possible changes in the XXI century, and consequences for nature management and hydrological regime of the Arctic deltas. The second part of the research and its important results include the analysis of the present-day hydrological conditions in the Arctic deltas – water balance of deltas, features of distribution and redistribution of river runoff between the main deltaic branches, spring and summer fl ooding of the delta plains, ice regime of rivers and delta watercourses. Their character, expected changes directly affect the conditions, effi ciency and prospect of native nature management, safety of people, and environmental risks.


Russian Research Institute for Integrated Water Management and Protection - RosNIIVKh







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