Esfiha with added chayote peel flour


Molinari Letícia CostaORCID,Amaral Luane Aparecida doORCID,Menezes Mariana Biava deORCID,Santos Elisvânia Freitas dosORCID,Schiessel Dalton LuizORCID,Novello Daiana


The aim of the study was to evaluate the sensory acceptability of sfiha added to different levels of chayote peel flour (CPF). Also, determine the physical-chemical composition of the standard formulation and that containing the highest CPF content and with acceptance similar to the standard. Five sfiha formulations were developed: F1 (standard, 0% CPF) and the others added 2% (F2), 6% (F3), 9% (F4) and 12% (F5) of CPF. Sixty evaluators aged 7 to 10 years participated in the sensory evaluation. The addition of levels greater than 2% of CPF reduced sensory acceptability (p<0.05) of the sfiha for all attributes and for the overall acceptance and purchase intention, in relation to the standard product. Formulation F2 was the one with the highest CPF content and with acceptance similar to the standard formulation. Higher levels of moisture, ash and dietary fiber and lower levels of carbohydrate and energy were observed for F2 compared to F1. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) for protein and lipid content between the two formulations. It is concluded that an addition level of up to 2% of CPF in sfiha is well accepted by schoolchildren. In addition, the CPF improves the nutritional value of the product, especially with the increase in dietary fiber and mineral matter.


International Journal for Innovation Education and Research

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