Objective: To analyze the sociodemographic characteristics, levels of physical activity and health conditions of active military police officers in the State of Rondônia, in the Western Amazon, Brazil in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. Methodology: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional field study, with a convenience sample, non-probabilistic and with a quantitative approach, with 358 PMs working in the PMRO. A self-report questionnaire was used to collect sociodemographic data and health conditions. The IPAQ-short version was used to assess the level of physical activity (NAF). Results: The age variable obtained (39.21 ± 6.41) years and (61.17%) of the PMs were less than 40 years old. The variable length of service was (15.44 ± 7.64) and (78.21%) of the police officers had less than 20 years of experience in the police service. The working hours obtained (6.87 ± 2.04) and (29.10 ± 80.79) days away from work due to NCDs or Covid-19. According to the NAF, 29.61% were classified as very active, 23.74% active, 14.24% irregularly active A, 8.38% irregularly active B and 24.86% sedentary. Of the CNCDs, musculoskeletal diseases (16.49%), psychosomatic diseases (14.80%), SAH (8.10%), dyslipidemias (5.58%), CVDs (2.51%), cancer (0, 56%) and DM2 (0.28%). Of the total number of infectious diseases, 34.08% contracted Covid-19. Conclusion: The physical activity levels (47.48%) of the military police were in the classification (irregularly active + sedentary) according to the IPAQ-short version, confirming the low PAL of these individuals. Low NAF, NCDs and Covid-19 contributed to momentarily worsening the quality of life of PMs.
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
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